
during my Europe days, I met natural winemakers in Germany and Austria

I found a connection between my photo works and their wine making philosophy; they want to put the nature into wine bottles

in my exhibition there are 3 main works, representing winemakers’ space: Clemens Busch of Germany, Johann Donabaum / Sepp Moser of Austria

staying with them, talking about wine, having lunch/dinner together, spending ordinary times, might have given me a will to see their space on my ways

how I take photo

I try to materialize scenes that take my sight and breathe onto photos

meanwhile, I see the scenes through a camera, and sometimes there’s a difference from what I see due to the limitation of camera lens, especially in dark scenes, but anyhow I say the camera lens is included in the artist’s sight

it makes me not to retouch the photos after I push the camera button

rather editing photo, the photo taken at the moment represents my feeling the best

see the artworks